Call for Research Posters
Health and Physical Literacy 2022

February 13-15, 2022 - Birmingham, Alabama

(pdf download of this information)


The Health and Physical Literacy Summit 2022 invites submissions of abstracts of research papers to be considered for presentation at the Health and Physical Literacy Summit 2022, to be held February 13-15, 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama.

  • See “Directions for Submission” below.
  • The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2021. Late or incomplete submissions will be returned to the author without review
  • The lead author will be notified of acceptance or rejection of the proposal before November 15, 2021.
  • Abstracts submitted must not have been presented or published previously nor should they be simultaneously submitted for consideration at other conferences.
  • Submission of abstracts is open to all researchers. Authors who agree to present an accepted paper are responsible for seeing the paper is presented at the Summit and must register for the Summit.

Abstract Guidelines for Poster Presentation Submissions

  • After the title of the abstract, list author’s names and institutional affiliations (no departments) in order they should appear (e.g., Nancy L. Thigpen, University of Florida, and Louis Williams, South Carolina State University).
  • Abstracts should be a maximum of 400 words, 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, and one single paragraph with no hard returns or indents.
  • Abstracts should include: (a) background information, a statement of the problem/purpose of the study, and its significance or rationale for the study, (b) information on the methods, procedures, and data analysis in sufficient detail, (c) a summary of the findings that provides a clear description of the results and discussion of their relevance.

Directions for Submission

  • Send an email to Cam Kerst at: [email protected] 
  • In the body of the message, indicate:

1.  The name of the lead author or contact person and her/his affiliation.
2.  Additional author’s names and affiliations.
3.  The title of the abstract.
4.  The email address of the lead author/contact person.
5.  The research area or review panel for the proposal selected from one of the following: Biomechanics, Dance, Exercise Physiology/Fitness, Health, Leisure/Recreation, Measurement, Motor Behavior, Pedagogy, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Sociological/Historical Aspects of Physical Activity, Special Populations, Sport Management/Administration, Sports Medicine.
 6.  Include the abstract as an attachment in Microsoft Word.